Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blog post #2

1. My primary is in the upper left hand corner. It is the yellow/orange/red object. My secondary is in the right side. it is a light green with a light purple smudges. My tertiary is on the bottom and is a light blue color.
2. I used the rules of emphasis to establish my primary, secondary, and tertiary by applying size, color, and placement.
3. The best part of my artwork is my primary and secondary. i like how the primary almost looks like a sun bursting out and how my secondary almost looks like a comet flying away from it. i like that they interact together and feed off of what they are doing together. i also like how i made them more than just one color. i think it makes the artwork more intersting to look at and different from other things.
4. My least favorite part is my tertiary and how much backround is showing. i feel like my tertiary is just there and not incorperating with the rest of the peice. i also think that there is to much backround showing and visible. it is to dominate looking and i need to find something to do with the bottom part of the artwork.
5. the next step to making that part better would work with it. i have to get my tertiary more involved with the rest. go with the bursting feel that everything else gives off. this will also help me with the backround problem. if i make the tertiary more involved the more backround will be used.
6. i am using blending mostly on my primary but also some on the secondary. the primary goes from yellow to orange to red, all blending together. also with the secondary, the light green and light purple are coming together. i am using variety when i discovered the smudge tool. i have used it to bring the shapes together and add something different to the piece of art.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


this is an exaple of size. i put three dots, one large one, a medium sized on, adn lastly a very small dot. its a good example because due to the differnce in shape the eye automatically goes to the large dot. even though they are the same color the size make a huge difference.

below is an example of placement. i have three dots and one is in the middle while the other two are on off spots. i think this is a good example because the one in the middle of the picture takes all of the attention. also because even though they are all the same color and hardness it still calls for the attention because of where it is placed.

this is an example of definate vs indefinate. i used a solid purple circle with two other purple circles that are more blurry and unlike the cirlce with a very high hardess. i think this was a good example because from softening the hardness on the other two circels draws the eye to the solid circle. another reason it is a good example is because even thoough all of the colors are the same, we still make it so one cirlce draws all of the attention.

This is color contrast. In my art i used a red background with a dark pink and a off red. the white dot pops off of the red because it is so much different from the red color. i think i was successful because the first thing that i see when i look at this picture is the white circle rather than the other two. i also think it was successful because the two other dot blend in with the red backround.